Spotlight On: Sandhill Cranes - 104-1-1782

Spotlight On: Sandhill Cranes

$3.00 - $5.00

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Activity Details

Spotlight On: Sandhill Cranes

Meeting Details

Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Days: Sat
Kensington Metropark
2240 W. Buno Road
Milford, MI, 48380


Age older than or equal to 13.00 and younger than or equal to 199.00. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.
Age older than or equal to 0.00 and younger than or equal to 0.01. The date used for calculating the age is Item Begin Date.


Maximum 1 days before the item begin date. Cutoff time on last day is after 4:00 pm.

Spotlight On: Sandhill Cranes

The largest bird of Michigan makes its home here in the wetlands of the Metroparks. Come explore the lives of these charismatic birds including what they eat, how they talk, and where to find them in the wild. We will spend some time learning about them before hitting the trails to see if we observe some sandhill cranes in their natural habitat and figure out what they’re up to.

What to Expect:
This program starts indoors, ends outside. The time, approximately 40 minutes, will be spent on a leisurely walk with frequent stops. Expect to walk about 1.5 miles. We will conclude at the Nature Center. The planned path is dirt and gravel, mostly flat and level. No prior experience is necessary. For maximum enjoyment, some of our time will require all participants to patiently remain quiet and listen closely.

Ages: 13 and up. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
Time: 1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Cost: $3 per child, $5 per adult.
Location: Kensington Metropark, Nature Center

Pre-registration is required by 4 p.m. the day before the program.

Pre-register online by checking the box of the program you would like to attend. A "Selected Items" window will appear at the bottom of your screen. Click on the "Add to Cart" button to add program to your cart. You can also call for questions or help with registration at 810-227-8917.


$3 Child (Standard Fee): $3.00
$3 Child (Standard Fee): $3.00
$5 Adult (Standard Fee): $5.00
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