Facility Information

Details for Spring Hill Picnic Shelter

Spring Hill Picnic Shelter

More Than 365 days before the item begin date.
Interface Type of WebTrac,Mobile WebTrac.
Less Than 1 days before the item begin date.
Interface Type of WebTrac,Mobile WebTrac.

$112.50 = $112.50

Shelter K:
Shelter Size: 22’ x 54’
Concrete Use Area: 22’ x 56’
Fixed Picnic Tables: (9) 8’ Long Tables
Accessible Tables: YES
Accessible Grill: YES
Accessible Restrooms: YES, Vault Latrines
Accessible Parking Spaces Near Shelter: YES
Accessible Walk / Route to Shelter: YES
Electricity: NO – Note: Generators Are Allowed
Nearby Amenities: Swings and Rustic Hiking Trails

Weekend $225 per day
Weekday: $112.50 per day

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