Create Your Metroparks Account

This login will be used to purchase annual passes and gift cards, reserve picnic shelters, register for programs, rent equipment, purchase event tickets and more!

PLEASE NOTE: In order to add your spouse, kids, parents, friends, etc. to program registrations or to rent equipment online for them, you will need to add each one as additional account members in your account. This will allow you to select their name during the reservation/registration process. The system will not allow you to add additional members while adding items to your cart, so we recommend you add them now by clicking the “Add New Member” button. You can add as many additional account members as needed.


New Account Information


Passwords must contain one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one numerical, and be at least 8 characters long.

Primary Account Person Information


REMEMBER: Spouses, children, parents, friends, etc. need to be listed in your account in order to add them to program registrations or equipment rentals. The system will not allow you to add additional members while adding items to your cart, so we recommend you add them now by clicking the blue “Add New Member” button below to add as many additional account members as needed. Once Complete, click the “save” button to complete your account set up.

Additional Account Members