Event Information

Details for MLK 101: Gospel Choir Performance

Date(s): 04/22/2023 - 04/22/2023

Time:  6:00 pm - 7:30 pm

MLK 101 is a series of special events created in partnership with Huron-Clinton Metroparks and the Livingston Diversity Council. MLK 101 is designed to expand and deepen our understanding of who Martin Luther King, Jr. was as a person, a pastor, a nonviolent activist, and his lasting impact on the civil rights movement.

As part of the MLK 101 Series a gospel choir tribute to MLK Jr. and the civil rights movement titled, “Legacy and Liberation” will be held at the Howell Carnegie District Library. The concert features gospel choir and director Lynn Williams. This programming reflects upon the cultural and historical significance of gospel music and advocacy for equality and freedom featuring song selections from 1954 – 1968 Present.

A reception will take place before the show begins. Refreshments will be served.

Learn more at https://howelllibrary.org/mlk-101/

Ages: 13 and up
Time: 6 -7:30 p.m.
Cost: Free!
Location: Howell Carnegie District Library. 314 W Grand River Rd, Howell, MI 48843