Event Information

Details for Astronomy At Stargate Observatory Camp Rotary

Date(s): 09/28/2024 - 09/28/2024

Time:  9:00 pm -11:59 pm

The Warren Astronomical Society hosts stargazing events every 4th Saturday of the month. Join us to learn about the night sky and have the opportunity to view constellations, planets, meteors and more! The Warren Astronomical Society hosts this event, offering views through their high-quality scopes and sharing their knowledge of the skies as NASA ambassadors.

Pre-registration is not required for the event.

Ages: All ages
Time: Dusk – Midnight (sometimes later if conditions remain optimal).
Cost: Free. A Metroparks daily or annual pass is required to enter any Metropark.
Location: Wolcott Mill Metropark, Camp Rotary Stargate Observatory.