Date(s): 02/18/2024 - 02/18/2024
Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Overview:Every year for a weekend in mid-February, people from around the world take the time to observe birds in their favorite local parks or in their own backyards. The number and kinds of birds they see help scientists better understand bird winter habits, and the count is an excellent way for anyone to contribute to our knowledge of the world around us. At the Kensington Nature Center, we will be watching to see what birds show up on our feeders or in the nearby area, and we’d love to have any interested birders (of all experience levels) join us. Feel free to stop by the center at any point throughout the day to learn about the birds we’ve seen, to enjoy the warmth from our fireplace, and even to contribute some observations of your own to our bird list!Pre-registration is not required.Ages: Fun for all ages!Time: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Cost: Free!Location: Kensington Metropark, Nature Center